Don't come around here no more. Whatever you're looking for. I've moved to Betty Rocker (and Baby).

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I've Moved!

Just wanted to alert you that I've moved to yet another blog. I'm bringing the band back together... sort of anyway.

My new site will be Betty Rocker...and Baby. Which means... you guessed it, blogs about music, crafts, food, general rumblings and baby stuff. Hopefully you'll visit. I won't take up too much of your time with it as I can only post when I have the time and mind strength. But an occassional pop-in from you would be great.

Here's the new link:

Hope you likey!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Seven Month Review

I know. I've been away. A terrible blogger. I'm not sure how many people even come here anymore and that's okay. I'll try to be better, with or without you. I'm considering coming out of my semi-retirement of blogging. Blogging seems so...2001, doesn't it? FaceBook seems to be the networking drug of choice.

Miss Abby is now 7 months old as of today and gets a little bigger each morning she wakes up. Speaking of, we had a rough few weeks of trying to get Abby to sleep. For an hour each night, we'd sit by her crib while she held our hand to fall asleep. Rather sweet, really. Except, when you are doing it for an hour, every other other hour, on work nights...well- it got a little tedious, so we had to call in Dr. Ferber. Felt bad giving the tough love, but I was desperate for sleep. Now she sleeps with fewer peeps and we're all happier and better rested for it.

Now, if I can just get Kenny to stop snoring and the cat to stop walking on my face at 3AM, my night life would run a lot smoother.

Oh, BTW--- I'm working on getting Betty Rocker back together in another blog. I'm not sure when it will happen, but it has an addition to it. It'll be called Betty Rocker and Baby (a title suggestion from my friend Brad). Music and Kids...since that's what I got going on, that's what it's going to be. Again, at some point- perhaps when there's more free time...IF there's more free time.

Monitor is showing red lines. The little lady is awake. Toodles.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Baby Babble

Taking a brief moment to let you know I'm still alive! We had Abigail Patricia (Abby Pat) on St. Patrick's Day.  The name is a coincidence. After about 12 hours of labor,  she gave us a big hello! She was born to the U2 Song "All I Want Is You", which was one of the songs on my 11 hour playlist. Fitting, given they are an Irish band. 

Not fitting, since neither Ken or I am Irish. Ken has a little Irish, but not me. Guess we're honorary Irish now, right?

While I don't like to talk about weight, she was 7lbs, 3oz and 20 inches long. I don't know why people care about that kind of thing, but they do, so I'm telling you now, in case you didn't already know. 

So much has changed. SO much. More than I thought would to be honest. Abby is a great, polite little girl. The first night, she gave us no sleep and I was freaking that this was the way it was going to be from now on- sleepless nights with a crying baby. But each night has been easier. Just trying to figure it all out and it seems to be working. 

I remember people telling me to sleep while I can and that I'd be lucky if I got a shower in that day. But I am sleeping okay (not great, but good) and I have made it a priority to shower every day. I figure if I can get a shower in, I accomplished something and it's already a good day. 

All the things I thought and said about babies has gone out the window. I know "get it". I see what people are talking about now. I was never a big fan of other people's babies, but I'm a big fan of my own. 

The biggest help of all has been my husband and my family who have been such a huge support. I am pretty sure I couldn't have survived all this without their patience, help, advice and love through all of this. I don't know how single parents do it, but I give them a lot of credit. 

I am stir crazy at home, but I'm learning to surrender to this housebound thing. It won't be long before I'm out and running around so I'm trying to enjoy this time with our new addition. 

As for the pets, they've been most respectful. Cats keep their distance and Bella keeps a watchful eye over Abby. I feel like I need to vacuum everyday to keep fur from sticking to her milky little face, but meh, gotta let things go until I'm healed. Cleaning can wait.

I'll try to keep posted as much as I can, if for anything to keep my brain afloat and active. In the meantime, I'm terribly behind in what's going on with music and other things outside my house walls, so tell me what you know and give suggestions!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Waiting Is the Hardest Part...

So, tomorrow is my "due date". Babies are rarely born on the day the doctor says they are, so I'm not counting on any event happening tomorrow. Instead, we're just kind of sitting here, waiting for something to "happen." I feel like a bit of a timebomb and I'm BORED as all bored can be sitting around waiting for us to get in the car and head to the hospital.

Part of me really wants to get this all over with. The biggest part of me, actually. But there's also a small part of me that, naturally, isn't ready to face the reality that we are gunna have a little human in our house. In our lives. Forever! 

Babies are born everyday and I know these aren't uncommon thoughts to have for sure. And sure, there's some comfort in knowing this is all very normal. Still- can't help feeling like it's a unique experience. 

We're waiting for you, Baby the lyrics of Mr. Petty..."The Waiting is the Hardest Part".

Sunday, March 8, 2009 Bars

Probably not the best topic for me to be endorsing the week I'm about to have my first child, but my friend put a Status on her Facebook page that I read, giggled and and innocently commented on. Then her other Facebook friends chimed in with some ignorant comments and well, I got a little defensive. My comment is the last one and it took me about 20 minutes to how to write it nicely to avoid any Facebook catfights with total strangers. 

Keep in mind, her Status was written during a St. Patrick's Day Parade at 6PM. 
(click to read)

Comments like this (especially from Douchebag #1), even before I was pregnant and soon to become a mom make me want to smush a dirty diaper in their face. I think responsible parents should be able bring their  (preferably well mannered or sleeping) babies and kids wherever they want! As I said in my closing comments, there's a time and place. Obviously, bringing your kid to a bar anytime past 8 PM is not considered great parenting, but if it's in the afternoon/early evening to get out and take a break, what's the problem baby haters? Why and how is it affecting YOU?

I know or have friends that would agree with anti-babies in public comments and even take it a step further and don't like seeing kids at restaurants or parties or basically in public. They think kids belong at home, at a park or at the zoo.  Comments like "should have known what you were getting into before you had kids" is frankly pretty rude. In a way, almost akin to racists or bigot thoughts that gay people shouldn't get married because "they chose that life" (a little extreme, but it falls into the same family). 

Life doesn't stop when you have kids and while I agree not everyone knows the right time and place to bring their babies out in public and not all parents are responsible, there's nothing wrong with having a drink/socializing at a bar and having a baby sleeping beside you, especially if the bar is roomy and especially if they have a beer garden.  It's not hurting anyone and I'm pretty sure, especially during the recession, bar owners are more than happy to have people coming in patronizing their bar during their downtime, with their babies or not. As a former bartender, I always like parents coming in for a drink in the afternoon. The tips were great!!

And...aren't babies and toddlers basically like drunk people anyway? They drool, puke, pass out and sometimes cry or poop their pants if they've had to much to drink. If you ask me, they are in perfect company.

I feel the same way about dogs in bars, which is why I wanted to open a Dog bar in Boystown called Boners and Lickers. Now I'm gunna have to come up with a name for a Baby bar, where you can drink AND bring your baby. It would even have "Pump and Dump" stations in the bathroom. I might even let the Octomom come in and have a brewskie (I'd just charge her double).  

Not everyone is going to agree on this topic and that's okay. If you have a great reason why babies and kids need to stay out of bars, I'd love to hear it. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

Light Therapy- Good Vibrations

When Summer comes around, I promise I will be outside every single day for at least 4 hours, longer if I can get it out there. I miss the sun and warm so bad, don't you? I envy all of you that got to head out to vacation to escape it all.

This winter has been brooo-tal and not just for cooped- up, pregnant Me, but for most people I've talked to. This is one of the first winters where I've actually considered moving to warmer climates. 

In about a week or so, our new addition will arrive, just in time for Daylight Savings and hopefully, warmer weather. The little peanut will also hopefully keep our minds off and away from all the crap that the news is poisoning us with. For all the negativity that's been looming over us the past few months, I'm happy that we'll have something good to focus on. It's about time. 

In the meantime, I'll be anxiously awaiting the good things to happen- a new baby and a big hot sun!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Days of Grace #6

1. Helping hands to finish the baby's room (almost)
2. ShamROCK shakes
3. Prenatal Hiccups
4. seeing happy statuses on Facebook
5. Extra money coming in

Friday, February 20, 2009

I will likely miss

  • Maternity clothes. The panels and all. So comfortable...every girl should be wearing them. 
  • Being told by my doctor it's okay to head to McDonalds for an occassional Shamrock Shake. 
  • How nice people are. People are really really nice when you are pregnant. It's unreal.
  • Having help and advice from friends and family. At first I didn't like it, but I gave in and it's quite humbling and nice. I hope that doesn't stop. It's certainly made me feel like I need to be a better person.
  • Gaining weight, but this time, I have a good excuse. That goes double for my big belly.
  • Being told to kick back and relax.
  • Sleep. It's the number one thing people tell you to say good-bye during and after pregnancy. Later sleep. It was nice knowing you.

I will not miss

  • Walking at a snail's pace. I was exercising pretty often and well up until about a month ago. Now, I can't really walk the dog more than 10 minutes or go to the gym without my belly and below aching.
  • Not being able to take Bella for long walks. The look on her face the last few months makes me so sad. Thankfully, Kenny has been taking the lead on this and has been a trooper, walking her whenever he can.
  • Taking a good minute or so to roll out of bed. I now know what it's like to be a cross between a turtle and sea lion stuck on its back. 
  • Um, these cankles and swollen hands are ridiculous. My lower legs look like upside down bowling pins. I feel kind of weird walking around pregnant without a wedding ring on.
  • These double EE width shoes I've been wearing every day. They are starting to stink from all the constant wear and tear.
  • Constant pressure on the bladder. 
  • Pinched nerves
  • My inner thighs feeling like they've been doing ThighMaster all night long. 
  • Not being able to lay flat on my back or avoiding torso twists
  • Being told to "Relax and calm're pregnant". Yes, I know it's the ultimate excuse for how uncomfortable I'm feeling, but it still sucks.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mona the Terrible

Meet Mona. She's cute, right? Lil' gray fuzzy thing looks like she could do no wrong. 

Truth is, I used to love her, until recently.  Actually, even before that, I just liked her; she was tolerable. Now, it's everything I can do to not put up a "Cat for Sale" sign outside my house.  Maybe it's the pregnancy- she knows change is a-coming and I have little patience with her. She chews cords, drinks out of my water glass, knocks vitamins all the floor and plays with them, eats bread through plastic bags, licks plastic bags at 4AM and wakes me up. In the last two days, she's knocked over two plants in an attempt to eat a ladybug. 

I have named her "Mona Visa" because she's everywhere you want to be and lives to annoy.  

Kenny says it's cuz she doesn't have enough toys, but I assure him, she has plenty. She's just kicked them all under couches, beds and cabinets. Then she goes off and looks for other household items to destroy.

Now she's starting to try to jump in the baby bassinet and get into all the baby's presents. We're working the squirt gun hard to make sure she knows these areas are off limits. 

Our other cat on the other hand, Vinny is a little sweetheart who sleeps all day. He's a saint compared to Mo. Mona is almost five years old. I thought felines start to get lazy and less curious as they age? Was I lied to?

Anyway, I'm not giving up my pets, don't get me wrong. I just needed to vent to prevent myself from tossing her out the window. If it's attention she needs, I don't want to give it to her to reward her for bad behavior, so I just try to ignore her. I wonder if that just makes things worse?

Days of Grace #5

  1. Being able to breathe through my nose for the first time in 7 days.
  2. Leftover Thai Green Curry Noodles with Chicken
  3. Unexpected money from two unexpected places
  4. Having the Fire Chief as a friend, who installed the baby seat into our car
  5. Kenny's genius solution to keep Mona the Terrible (cat) AWAY from my vitamins, knocking them on the floor and playing with them.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I know. I need a cooler blog design. I'm working on it. Actually, I'm just working on it in my head, but nothing else. Since I left Betty, I'm having a blog identity crisis and need to figure out how Carlita's Way is all about- be patient with me!  I'm in transition.

In other exciting news...

My iPod had a glitch and I had to "restore" my settings, which means, all my info was wiped out. I had to reformat it to the MAC (was previously formatted for PC) and basically had to build it from scratch, which isn't the worst thing in the world. I kind of like the fresh new start and being able to re-choose songs I like. Might help rid all the garbage I have lurking in my music library.

Fiona Apple came up on my shuffle and got me thinking what is going on with that girl these days- totally M.I.A. I'm going to have to check on her. Just when I start wondering where an artist has been, they end up releasing an album. 

Also- I'm officially slowing down, so don't expect much from me. I can't keep up with Kenny when we walk the dog, going to the gym seems like a chore (although, I might find the energy to get there this morning), and I'm not getting heated over things that were eating away at me before or feeling like everything has to get down NOW. When you are a month away from having a baby, you gotta pick your battles and just let things be and relax a little. At least that's the advice I get from friends and family. Seems to be working and making for a better nights sleep.

Oh and we are taking our Baby 101 classes finally. One down, two more to go. Kind of a "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and Baby Care Basics, but I think it's made Ken and I both feel better to be actively learning about more. What's funny is that we can read all the books in the world, take all the classes, but once this baby starts-a-coming...all knowledge is thrown out the window. At least we are making the effort!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Here Comes The Sun

Was the 65 degree, sunny day a breath of fresh air for you too? The dog got a nice long walk- although a slow one. The belly keeps me from going too fast these days. Despite my clogged schnoz, I managed to still enjoy the sun and warm.

That's all. I gotta run because Kenny is calling from the next room. He has the hiccups and apparently, I'm the only one who can provide the cure!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I have a nasty little cold. Not sure where I picked it up, but it I curse whoever gave it to me. I swear, people, if you KNOW you are sick, then do not touch me!   Do not kiss me on the lips (Kenny is excluded from this rule), don't cough in your hand (a sleeve works better) and just keep your hands to yourself. 

Anyway, damage is done. nostrils are plugged to the gills and I have a dry mouth from breathing in and out. Losing sleep was bad enough, now being sick, I expect to toss and turn even more than I already have. 

Okay. Enough complaining!

The good news is, it was absolutely gorgeous today. We made some baby gift returns and then went on a really long, much needed walk with Bella. We were all in heaven, getting fresh, warm air into our lungs and having to squint because of the sun. The warm temp might last just a few days, but that's a break enough for me! Kenny and I couldn't believe NO one was outside walking and enjoying this weather. They must have been out waiting in line getting the salt washed off their cars. 

Days of Grace #4

Outside temperatures above 50!
Getting a few hours of sleep- better than nothing.
Chicken soup, delivered by an old neighbor friend
Bella sitting on a chair like a human, watchdogging the people on the street
Starbucks Rooibos Vanilla Lattes

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New name for blog?

Little Man Blues just told me that if you search on my blog, other interesting "carlita's ways" come stuff for porn sites. Thinking about this, it doesn't surprise me. 

I'm a little discouraged by this.  Do I come up with a NEW name? Something that no one will have? Maybe I need to come up with a made up name, like Dooce did or Schmutzie. I'll have to chew on this for a while. In the meantime, if you have suggestions for a new blog name, send them my way.

Maybe I'll think of something more unique once this baby is done squishing my creativity...and my bladder. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Apparently, it's suppose to rain this weekend. If you remember on Betty Rocker (RIP), last time it rained over the holidays, our basement flooded. This time, we're taking action! I'm off to purchase a sump pump to stave off any water build, should the ground start to try to push water under my concrete floors. Here's to hoping we don't have another basement Katrina. 

We're off for some Fine Thai tonight. Really, it's called Fine Thai and it's just up the street from us. Kenny prefers good old Chinese, but I think the Thais do it best. Better flavors, noodles, seems like it's cleaner food, compared to Chinese. Anyway. I'm hungry just thinking about my Chicken Pad Se Ew (sp?). 

DOG #3
  • Going to the gym AND walking the dog (even if it was for 4 blocks)
  • Getting worried about the recession again, but quickly calling myself off from the worry. Self-therapy!
  • Corner Bakery Salads (Sante Fe with Chicken is the best!)
  • My black velour jogging suit giving me comfort today
  • Not having to drive out to Lake Forest for work, saving me approximately 3 hours of drive time.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Counting Sleep

We were warned. We were told constantly. It's the number one thing parents of children tell me when they hear I'm having a baby.

"Enjoy sleep while you can!" This is followed by snickers and giggles.

After a while, this starts to bother me because I love the idea of sleep and I need it to keep my mental health aligned.  

Whoever said money can't buy happiness is a big fat liar. Because if I had money, I'd hire a night nurse or someone to help me with the baby while I get some sleep. And if I get sleep, I'm happier, right?

The past month, I wake up for hours each night, trying to fall back to sleep and I just can't. My mind is all over the place...thinking about work, thinking about the baby, thinking about what's to come...think think think...

I've turned into one of those people who can't shut it off at night. And it doesn't sound like it's gunna get much better come March. I'll just keep telling's only temporary and will pass. 

In the meantime, I'm a tired training.

Okay, time for DOG #2

Baby gifts arriving in the mail
Finally being able to go out on a walk with Ken and the dog tonight- it's not too cold!
Finding cute Thank You cards for $1 for a set of eight
A dryer that finally got fixed so I don't have to buy a new one
Lots of friends and family calling with advice

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grace in Small Things

I've been spending more time reading other people's blogs than focusing on my own and I'm really loving HelenJane's  exercise in finding "Days of Grace In Small Things", which is a project initiated from this site.  Since I'm an lover of acronyms (a habit I picked up at work), I will call it DOG. 

Such a great idea, especially now, with all the gloom looming over us. Such a great idea, I'm going to give it a try as well. 

Here goes with my DOG #1
1. Having left over mini-muffins to snack on from my baby shower
2. A husband who is willing to walk the dog, alone in the cold
3. Making my first beef stew out of a crock pot
4. A visit from my neighbor Heather
5. Relaxing on the couch, watching (maybe) American Idol, Season 8


Monday, January 26, 2009

The Formula for Insanity

I've figured out the formula for insanity.

Work from home four days a week+ while pregnant+ admist a dreadful winter+little human interaction other than pets and a husband. 

S.O.S. Starting to feel a little like Jack Nicholson in The Shining here. 

I thought this 'hunkering down for the winter' would be kind of cozy and fun, but honestly, it sucks a bit. At the very least, I wish I were in an office, working downtown eating at Wow Bao...or Salad Spinners. But that's not my alternative. My alternative is driving 4 hours roundtrip to an office in the middle of horse country, eating cafeteria food. 

I'll stay home and be insane for a while, thank you.

I've been forcing myself out of the house just to get a change of scenery. Trips to the Post Office are a treat. 

It won't be long before my maternity leave and Spring will pop up around the corner, bringing more insanity of a different kind. Different, but better!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The First

It's done. I've moved off of Typepad and am now free-blogging. It feels nice to do that. To tell the truth, I started with Blogger, but then saw how cool other people's blogs were with Typepad and wanted to move over. 

Now that Facebook has taken over everyone's life, I don't need to blog anymore. You already know my status and where to find me half the time, right?

Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with writing. As you know, there's a little one on the way and coming up soon, so I may have hiatus for a while...only time can tell. Part of me leaving my old blog I think is my nesting taking over. Just a little LOT has it taken over.

Just ask my husband. Literally, as the new year set in, I started becoming this "we have to get this all done NOW" type of person. I'm even driving myself a little nuts with this urgency to have everything in place. But every now and again, the sane me comes back and reassures it will all get done. Everything gets done and works itself out. Can't fight it. 

Oh and for my name, I have hung up my Betty Rocker hat for an old nickname, Carlita's Way. I'll still be letting you know about music and all that good stuff...a change will do me good!

Come back and check on me once in a while, ya hear?