Don't come around here no more. Whatever you're looking for. I've moved to Betty Rocker (and Baby).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Waiting Is the Hardest Part...

So, tomorrow is my "due date". Babies are rarely born on the day the doctor says they are, so I'm not counting on any event happening tomorrow. Instead, we're just kind of sitting here, waiting for something to "happen." I feel like a bit of a timebomb and I'm BORED as all bored can be sitting around waiting for us to get in the car and head to the hospital.

Part of me really wants to get this all over with. The biggest part of me, actually. But there's also a small part of me that, naturally, isn't ready to face the reality that we are gunna have a little human in our house. In our lives. Forever! 

Babies are born everyday and I know these aren't uncommon thoughts to have for sure. And sure, there's some comfort in knowing this is all very normal. Still- can't help feeling like it's a unique experience. 

We're waiting for you, Baby the lyrics of Mr. Petty..."The Waiting is the Hardest Part".

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