Meet Mona. She's cute, right? Lil' gray fuzzy thing looks like she could do no wrong.
Truth is, I used to love her, until recently. Actually, even before that, I just liked her; she was tolerable. Now, it's everything I can do to not put up a "Cat for Sale" sign outside my house. Maybe it's the pregnancy- she knows change is a-coming and I have little patience with her. She chews cords, drinks out of my water glass, knocks vitamins all the floor and plays with them, eats bread through plastic bags, licks plastic bags at 4AM and wakes me up. In the last two days, she's knocked over two plants in an attempt to eat a ladybug.
I have named her "Mona Visa" because she's everywhere you want to be and lives to annoy.
Kenny says it's cuz she doesn't have enough toys, but I assure him, she has plenty. She's just kicked them all under couches, beds and cabinets. Then she goes off and looks for other household items to destroy.
Now she's starting to try to jump in the baby bassinet and get into all the baby's presents. We're working the squirt gun hard to make sure she knows these areas are off limits.
Our other cat on the other hand, Vinny is a little sweetheart who sleeps all day. He's a saint compared to Mo. Mona is almost five years old. I thought felines start to get lazy and less curious as they age? Was I lied to?
Anyway, I'm not giving up my pets, don't get me wrong. I just needed to vent to prevent myself from tossing her out the window. If it's attention she needs, I don't want to give it to her to reward her for bad behavior, so I just try to ignore her. I wonder if that just makes things worse?
Days of Grace #5

- Being able to breathe through my nose for the first time in 7 days.
- Leftover Thai Green Curry Noodles with Chicken
- Unexpected money from two unexpected places
- Having the Fire Chief as a friend, who installed the baby seat into our car
- Kenny's genius solution to keep Mona the Terrible (cat) AWAY from my vitamins, knocking them on the floor and playing with them.
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